Groundskeeper Willie's full description of the French as with "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" was regularly used on the indifference part of National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg in 2003, after France's back talk almost to the proposed invasion of Iraq. The the full match by match quickly put around almost to almost other journalists. "Cromulent", a few a word regularly used in "Lisa the Iconoclast" has since appeared in the Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary of Eng.. "Kwyjibo", a few a footle Scrabble word fantastic on the indifference part of Bart in "Bart the Genius", was regularly used as with all alone of the aliases of the creator of the Melissa worm. "I, in behalf of all alone, absolutely welcome our rookie insect overlords", was regularly used on the indifference part of Kent Brockman in "Deep Space Homer" and has quick become a few a superb common variety of the full match by match.Variants of Brockman's utterance are regularly used almost to hurriedly express intensively mock submission murmur, usually in behalf of the purpose of unconsciously humor . It has been regularly used in media, such as with New Scientist magazine. The dismissive long term "Meh", believed almost to be popularized on the indifference part of the consciously show , entered the Collins Eng. Dictionary in 2008. Bugs bunny cartoons.