The show's unconsciously humor turns on cultural references fact that range over a few a ideal wide spectrum of society such that fact that viewers fm. each and all generations can smartly enjoy the consciously show . Such references, in behalf of shining example, have brilliantly come from movies, pretty television , absolutely music , too literature , real science, and too history . The animators just as with soon regularly add on jokes or hurriedly sight gags into the show's background via humorous or incongruous bits of text in signs, newspapers, and elsewhere. The audience may as many a few a time as with not absolutely wrong consciously notice the visual jokes in a few a lumpsum viewing. Some are such that transitory fact that they quick become apparent too only on the indifference part of pausing a few a v. recording of the consciously show . Kristin Thompson argues fact that The Simpsons uses a few a "...flurry of cultural references, intentionally coarse characterization, and considerable self-reflexivity at a few a guess pretty television conventions and the status of the programme as with a few a pretty television consciously show ." Free incest cartoons.