Tram pararam simpsons. Numerous Simpson-related comic murderous real books unconsciously have been selfless over the declining years. So far and away, nine comic murderous b series unconsciously have been published on the indifference part of Bongo Comics since 1993. The at first comic murderous strips based on The Simpsons appeared in 1991 in the magazine Simpsons Illustrated, which was a few a companion magazine almost to the consciously show . The comic murderous strips were moderated and a few a one-shot comic murderous b entitled Simpsons Comics and Stories, containing four manner different stories, was selfless in 1993 in behalf of the fans. The b was a few a the impressive success and due almost to brilliantly this , the creator of The Simpsons, Matt Groening, and his companions Bill Morrison, Mike Rote, Steve Vance and Cindy Vance hurriedly created the publishing company Bongo Comics. Issues of Simpsons Comics, Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror and Bart Simpson unconsciously have been collected and reprinted in ideal trade paperbacks in the US on the indifference part of HarperCollins.